Monthly Archives: diciembre 2020

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Співбесіда з Node js розробником. 255 запитань для Junior, Middle і Senior

Category : IT Вакансії

Однією з головних особливостей nodejs developer Node.js є асинхронна та подієво-орієнтована модель програмування. Замість того, щоб блокувати виконання коду під час очікування операцій введення-виведення, Node.js використовує неблокувальні операції, дозволяючи додаткам одночасно обробляти безліч запитів. Це робить Node.js дуже ефективним для створення масштабованих та чуйних серверних додатків.

Скільки замовників на біржі фрилансу?

Генерувати тестові дані, може дебажити ваш код, може допомагати вам додавати логи. Може писати документацію, додавати коментарі. Може допомагати в вашому вивченні якихось нових технологій або навіть вивченні мови.

  • Слід сконцентруватися на зануренні в один конкретний фреймворк відповідно до ваших вподобань.
  • Популярна, виходячи з міжнародних рейтингів, складених на основі запитів у пошукових системах, профільних форумах і рекрутингових агентствах.
  • Однак програміст node js не тільки пише код.
  • Їм потрібні були гроші, тому вони створили таку собі дивну структуру.
  • Підтримується всіма популярними браузерами, повністю інтегрується з HTML, CSS версткою і серверною частиною, економить час і трафік, знижує навантаження на сервер.

Чому Node.js розробник потрібен вашому проєкту

Ми надаємо сайтам технічну підтримку і готуємо поновлення. Система контролю версій (VCS) — інструмент, який допомагає розробникам відстежувати розбіжності у коді з часом. Якщо ви не хочете самі шукати такого фахівця, ви завжди можете звернутися до агентство, де вже є такі фахівці. Не забувайте про soft-скіли та навички проектного менеджменту – ваш full-stack розробник повинен вміло взаємодіяти з командою. За 15 років роботи ми переконалися, що це не менш важливо, ніж hard-скіли.

що має знати nodejs developer

Необхідні навички для Backend розробника

Наприклад, соціальна мережа, розважальний портал, банківський софт, онлайн-банк або сервіс по перегляду відео. Навіть до коду нашого сайту доклав руку веб-розробник. Це програмна платформа, яка дозволяє зробити з JavaScript мову загального призначення. Головне завдання цієї платформи – зв’язати бекенд та фронтенд, створивши єдиний продукт.

Як стати FullStack Node.js розробником

Контекстне вікно — це короткострокове вікно. В нас на сьогоднішній день немає довгострокової пам’яті моделі. І тому все, що ми говоримо моделі, воно зберігається лише в рамках одного чату. І коли ви відкриваєте новий чат, то модель про вас нічого не знає.

Хто може працювати фрилансером

що має знати nodejs developer

Зміни підтягуються на інші сторінки автоматично. Чи ви очікували статтю з детальним описом усіх існуючих технологій з прикладами найкращих рішень коду і архітектури для кожної з них? Сприймайте статтю як простий певний зріз того, що треба взяти до уваги тим, хто ще не розуміє що вивчати, якщо хочуть займатись вебом і що хоче від розробників ринок. А ви щось очікуєте мега нереальну детальну аналітику на 80 друкованих сторінок А4, певне… Ця мова програмування, розроблена в Google, стала популярною у бекенд-розробці завдяки своїм особливостям та перевагам високої продуктивності, простоті та чистоті синтаксису та іншому. Go має у своєму наборі дуже широкий спектр бібліотек, що дозволяють створювати бекенд частину для вебзастосунків швидко та дуже зручно.

«Вибухова хвиля» від виходу величезної кількості фреймворків та бібліотек для створення вебзастосунків минула. А основні гравці в цій ніші розробки зайняли свої позиції та стабільно розвиваються й пропонують усе більше зручних і крутих інструментів для розробників. Але, поруч з тим, ми маємо новий технологічний вибух у сфері штучного інтелекту та нові й нові сервіси. Вони дають у руки розробників дуже потужні інструменти й водночас стають певною загрозою, що може залишити девелоперів без роботи (поки що точно ні 😉). Node.js став однією з найпопулярніших платформ для створення веб-серверів, API, мікросервісів та багато іншого.

Додатково застосовуються фреймворки Symfony, Codeigniter, Yii, Zend Framework, Kohana тощо. Найчастіше кар’єра frontend-розробника починається з верстальника і тестувальника. В процесі роботи вивчається HTML + CSS, далі здобуваються знання JavaScript, бібліотек і фреймворків. Потім вивчаються основні поняття побудови серверної частини, паралельно додаючи інструменти, відповідно до обраної спеціалізації. Додатково напрацьовуються навички роботи з графічними редакторами і розумінням принципів UI / UX дизайну і, звичайно ж, софт-скіли . Backend – це програмно-апаратна частина проекту,  Frontend ж є клієнтською стороною призначеного для користувача інтерфейсу до програмно-апаратної частини проекту, тобто до бекенду.

Найчастіше перевагу віддають Node Js або PHP. Але що саме вибрати, у чому переваги та недоліки цих мов? Для яких проектів найкраще підходить кожен із них? Так склалося, що зовсім недавно я проводив вебінар для однієї освітньої платформи на тему «Що має знати веброзробник у 2023–2024 році?

Після опанування Express.js та Nest.js можна вивчити Koa.js, Meteor.js та Restify.js, проте це вже факультативні фреймворки. Девелопери зізнаються, що хотіли знизити поріг входження для новачків. Перехід на нову версію відбувається безболісно. Фреймворк – це структура програмних рішень, що полегшує написання коду. Наступні статті будуть з вашими побажаннями.

Цей стек має попит і в класичному сервісному та продуктовому IT, і в геймдеві. DOU опитав технічних фахівців, тимлідів і CTO та склав орієнтовний список запитань для співбесіди на посаду Node.js розробника. Це лише огляд основних навичок і знань, необхідних для становлення розробником Node.js.

Ну а закінчується робочий день здебільшого підготовкою до наступного, виконанням останніх завдань і плануванням наступних пріоритетів. Такий спеціаліст має глибоке розуміння всієї архітектури та життєвого циклу розробки програмного забезпечення, тому може керувати цілими проєктами від початку й до кінця. Обов’язкові фреймворки, якими має володіти Node.js розробник – Express.js та Nest.js. Фреймворки Node.js забезпечують структурований та ефективний спосіб створення веб-застосунків, API та функціональності на стороні сервера.

У Frontend входить відображення функціональних завдань призначеного для користувача інтерфейсу, що виконуються на стороні клієнта, а також обробка запитів користувачів. По суті, фронтенд – це все те, що бачить користувач при відкритті web-сторінки. PHP ідеально підходить для веб-сайтів будь-якої складності. Дизайн виходить адаптивним, працює на будь-якій операційній системі. Використовується для створення онлайн-спільнот.

Власне, він нам пропонує зразу ж створити індекси. Індекси – це найпростіший розв’язок для того, щоб підвищити продуктивність вашого коду. Але також є ряд інших рішень, які також прискорюють роботу вашого коду. У тому числі, там, матеріалізовані представлення. І ви можете, як Node.js Developer, виконувати з чатом ось ці ці операції. І вам не потрібно шукати сіньйора, який вам буде повністю розкладати всі кроки на шляху.

що має знати nodejs developer

Мої контактні дані ви можете мені написати в Telegram, в Instagram, в LinkedIn з приводу ваших запитань по Prompt Engineering більш детально. У нас ще є декілька хвилин, я сподіваюсь, ми зможемо покрити якусь кількість запитань. Третя частина, вже остання, це три концепти GPT, які вам необхідно знати, щоб ефективно працювати з GPT. Це токенізація, це те, власне, як модель перетворює ваш текст на вектори, на структуру і набір цифр. Це те, наскільки чат пам’ятає вашу розмову і наскільки довго ви можете з ним спілкуватися. І останнє, це не очевидно, це його пропускна здатність.

Робота в кращіх IT командах

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5 Types of Alcoholics According to the NIAAA

Category : Sober living

5 types of alcoholics

It is important for individuals and their families to do their research, seek out reliable sources, and reach out for professional help when needed. The Young Antisocial subtype is characterized by individuals who not only struggle with alcoholism but also exhibit antisocial behaviors. These individuals often have a history of conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder during childhood. They may engage in impulsive and risky behaviors, and their alcohol use may be intertwined with legal issues and criminal activities.

Your addiction does not have to define who you are.

For pseudodipsomaniacs and true dipsomaniacs, he recommended administering small doses of apomorphine to provide temporary relief of craving and morphia to treat intense depression. Chronic alcoholics should first be given diminishing doses of alcohol to reduce the risk of delirium tremens before being treated with drugs and “suggestion.” The drug of choice was atropine, given in conjunction with strychnine. Suggestion, especially under light hypnosis, was designed to “lessen the risk of relapse long after treatment is ended” (p. 68).

We can help you along the path to a healthy, successful, and stable life.

Nearly half of intermediate familial alcoholics (47 percent) suffer from depression, and other mental health conditions are also fairly common. Examples may include anxiety, bipolar disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). By recognizing the different types of alcoholics and their unique characteristics, we can develop a deeper understanding of alcoholism as a complex disorder. This knowledge can pave the way for early intervention, effective treatment strategies, and improved outcomes for individuals and their families affected by alcohol addiction. Psychological factors, including mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, or trauma, can contribute to the development of functional alcoholism. Alcohol may be used as a coping mechanism to manage emotional pain or stress.

Characteristics of Chronic Severe Subtype

  • They may be high-functioning individuals who excel in their professional lives, maintain relationships, and fulfill their daily obligations.
  • Labels such as ‘alcoholic’ do nothing to help a person with the disorder get the help they need.
  • This post discusses five distinct categories of people who suffer from alcoholism.
  • Chronic alcoholics should first be given diminishing doses of alcohol to reduce the risk of delirium tremens before being treated with drugs and “suggestion.” The drug of choice was atropine, given in conjunction with strychnine.

In the privacy of their own homes, functioning alcoholic are not the confident, self-assured achievers they usually pretend to be when they’re hiding behind their facade. While family members may not be sure of what’s going on (although they often do have strong suspicions), they know the functioning alcoholic is dealing with a plethora of problems. Their anxiety and depression may be obvious, and their moodiness and secretiveness impact spouses, children, and other loved ones who are puzzled by their inconsistent behavior. Alcoholism undoubtedly schnucks up, as an individual began drinking more in response to stress, relationship troubles, workplace disappointments, or the loss of a loved one. A person probably didn’t notice the way alcohol was taking over life, but with time the body’s tolerance for alcohol increased, and one needed to drink more and more to achieve the same effects.

They may have a moderate level of alcohol-related problems and tend to respond well to treatment interventions. These examples demonstrate that although various typologies use different defining criteria, they often identify similar subgroups of alcoholics. Individuals in this group are about 38 years old and initially started drinking around the age of 16. However, for this group, alcohol dependence typically develops at around 29 years old. Identifying oneself or a loved one with an alcohol problem and categorizing them in one of the five categories based on the classification of alcoholics can help recognize what kind of treatment will be suitable for the patient. Professional rehabilitation and treatment facilities can help patients determine what form of treatment is optimal for them based on their specific circumstances and conditions.

NIAAA researchers found that there were five distinct patterns of alcohol dependence.

5 types of alcoholics

“Subtypes of Alcohol Dependence in a Nati[…]presentative Sample.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2007. However, certain food groups also have benefits when it comes to helping with the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms and detoxification. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information. We strive to create content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

5 types of alcoholics

People in recovery from AUD who share their experiences, coping skills, and strategies typically facilitate these groups. No two alcoholics are exactly the same, but many people with alcoholism share common characteristics. Young adult alcoholics are most likely to be male and not seek treatment. Functional alcoholics consume alcohol daily or at least several times per week. Identifying the specific type of alcoholic makes it easier to understand and treat people’s problems.

Alpha alcoholism is characterized primarily by psychological dependence on alcohol. These individuals use alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with emotional pain, anxiety, or other psychological issues. They may not drink every day, but when they do, they struggle to control their intake. The key feature here is the emotional reliance on alcohol rather than physical dependence.

Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder

5 types of alcoholics

Only 9% have a college degree, and they also have the lowest employment rate. Only 43% of chronic severe alcoholics are employed full-time and 7.6% are unemployed or permanently disabled. A study by scientists at the NIAAA, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), analyzed 1,484 survey respondents who met specific diagnostic criteria for alcohol addiction.

  • Because there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to treating an alcohol addiction, understanding a person’s alcoholic subtype can help patients and physicians identify the most effective form of treatment.
  • They tend to prefer self-help groups, detoxification programs, specialty treatment programs and individual private health care providers.
  • Almost 66% of chronic severe alcoholics have sought help for their alcoholism.
  • As shown in table 2, similar alcoholic subtypes can be categorized within two broad groups, called the Apollonian and Dionysian types, based on recurrent characteristics of the drinkers.

Characteristics of Functional Subtype

If you identify yourself as any of the above types of alcoholic, Avenues Recovery is ready to support you. With years of experience and their own sobriety to lean on, our professional 5 types of alcoholics staff can guide you in your journey toward recovery. Because young adult alcoholism is also cultural, it is easily dismissed as a stage of life and not an addiction.

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In what order are liabilities listed in the chart of accounts?

Category : Bookkeeping

liabilities in order of liquidity

For illiquid stocks, the spread can be much wider, amounting to a few percentage points of the trading price. The market for a stock is liquid if its shares can be quickly bought and sold and the trade has little impact on the stock’s price. Company stocks traded on the major exchanges are typically considered liquid. As each group attempts to buy and sell things, it’s crucial to understand what financial liquidity is, how to measure it, and why it is important.

  • Companies try to match payment dates so that their accounts receivable are collected before the accounts payable are due to suppliers.
  • Notes payable may also have a long-term version, which includes notes with a maturity of more than one year.
  • In order to understand the order of liquidity, being familiar with the meaning of liquidity is key.
  • The quick ratio suggests an even less liquid position, with only $0.20 of liquid assets for every $1 of current liabilities.
  • As mentioned above under the advantages section, liquidity ratios may not always capture the full picture of a company’s financial health.
  • This form of presentation is illustrated in the following balance sheet example, where the most liquid assets are listed first.

What Are Current Liabilities?

  • A financial professional will offer guidance based on the information provided and offer a no-obligation call to better understand your situation.
  • Thomas J Catalano is a CFP and Registered Investment Adviser with the state of South Carolina, where he launched his own financial advisory firm in 2018.
  • Assets are prioritized by their liquidity, whereas liabilities are prioritized by their permanency.
  • For example, your checking account is liquid, but if you owned land and needed to sell it, it may take weeks or months to liquidate it, making it less liquid.

It can be looked at on its own and in conjunction with other statements like the income statement and cash flow statement to get a full picture of a company’s health. Balance sheets, like all financial statements, will have minor differences between organizations and liabilities in order of liquidity industries. However, there are several “buckets” and line items that are almost always included in common balance sheets. We briefly go through commonly found line items under Current Assets, Long-Term Assets, Current Liabilities, Long-term Liabilities, and Equity.

Some Inventory May Not Provide Liquidity

  • If the need of selling assets to settle liabilities ever arose, it’s easy to see what can be sold first to cover debts.
  • Instead, they will have to sell the collection and use the cash to purchase the refrigerator.
  • Any amount remaining (or exceeding) is added to (deducted from) retained earnings.
  • That may be fine if the person can wait for months or years to make the purchase, but it could present a problem if the person has only a few days.
  • In our example, the number for total assets at year-end 2020 would overstate the amount and distort the return on assets ratio (net income/total assets).
  • Market liquidity is critical if investors want to be able to get in and out of investments easily and smoothly with no delays.

There are several ratios that measure accounting liquidity, which differ in how strictly they define liquid assets. Analysts and investors use these to identify companies with strong liquidity. In other words, liquidity describes the degree to which an asset can be quickly bought or sold in the market at a price reflecting its intrinsic value.

  • The term current refers to short-term assets or liabilities that are consumed (assets) and paid off (liabilities) is less than one year.
  • At the end of 2021, the company had less short-term resources to meet short-term obligations.
  • In contrast, liquidity ratios focus on a company’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations promptly.
  • Cash (an asset) rises by $10M, and Share Capital (an equity account) rises by $10M, balancing out the balance sheet.
  • However, because of the specialized market for collectibles, it might take time to match the right buyer to the right seller.

Liquidity and Your Financial Accounts

Finally, their presence directly improves the company’s ability to seek additional financing. Cash liquidity is a measure of a company’s ability to generate cash from its operations and accounts receivable. Assets represent things of value that a company owns and has in its possession, or something that will be received and can be measured objectively. Liabilities are what a company owes to others—creditors, suppliers, tax authorities, employees, etc.

liabilities in order of liquidity

This route may not be available for a company that is technically insolvent because a liquidity crisis would exacerbate its financial situation and force it into bankruptcy. Last, liquidity ratios may vary significantly across industries and business models. Though we listed ‘comparability’ under the pro section, there is also a risk that wrong decisions could be made when comparing different liquidity ratios. Liquidity ratios also facilitate comparison across companies and industries. By benchmarking liquidity ratios against industry averages or competitors’ metrics, stakeholders can identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement.

What is the order of liquidity in accounting?

Companies also must hold enough liquid assets to cover their short-term obligations like bills or payroll; otherwise, they could face a liquidity crisis, which could lead to bankruptcy. In terms of investments, equities as a class are among the most liquid assets. But, not all equities or other fungible securities are created equal when it comes to liquidity. In other words, they attract greater, more consistent interest from traders and investors.

liabilities in order of liquidity

liabilities in order of liquidity

Understanding Liquidity Ratios

Liquid Asset

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Alcohol, aging, and innate immunity

Category : Sober living

alcohol lowers immune system

Microbiota produces neurotransmitters, tryptophan metabolites, fermentation metabolic by-products such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the release of cytokines by immune cells and gut hormone signaling. Some of these molecules can activate the vagus nerve or reach the brain and liver via systemic circulation. Alcohol consumption causes dysregulation in the intestinal microbiota, which leads to an alteration in this communication and subsequently causes alterations in brain and liver functions. Several lines of evidence show that the number and function of B-cells are reduced by chronic alcohol. For example, chronic alcoholics exhibit loss of B-cells in the periphery and a reduced capacity to generate protective antibodies (Cook et al. 1996). In addition, chronic alcohol can decrease the number of B-cells that produce an antibody type called IgA5 in one of the layers of mucous membranes (i.e., the lamina propria), which is indicative of altered mucosal immunity (Lopez et al. 1994).

alcohol lowers immune system

Opposing Effects of Alcohol on the Immune System

Recent studies suggest that the increase in IgA levels may be mediated by an ethanol- induced elevation of the enzyme neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the animals’ intestine, because inhibition of nNOS before ethanol injection suppressed the IgA increase (Budec et al. 2013). Male rats on a liquid diet with 35% of calories coming from ethanol also showed enhanced mRNA half-life and protein expression of LPS-induced TNF-α by increasing TNF-α in liver monocytes/macrophages (Kishore, McMullen et al. 2001). In humans, peripheral blood monocytes isolated from 16 hospitalized male patients with alcoholic hepatitis (but no detectable blood alcohol levels at the time of blood collection) had significantly increased TNF-α production in response to LPS stimulation when compared to monocytes from healthy volunteers (McClain and Cohen 1989). The effect of the hormonal peptide adiponectin on innate immunity, specifically on anti-inflammatory cytokine production and activity, is also worth noting. Adiponectin is secreted by fat cells (i.e., adipocytes) and has been shown to alleviate steatosis, inflammation, and liver damage in animal models (Xu et al. 2003). Recent evidence suggests that adiponectin moderates alcohol-induced production of pro-inflammatory TNFα and promotes expression of IL-10 (Mandal et al. 2010a).

Overview of the Human Immune System

  • Another small peptide, ghrelin, which is produced mainly in the gut but also in the liver, has been shown to promote antifibrotic and hepatoprotective effects in both animals and humans with hepatic fibrosis (Moreno et al. 2010).
  • Potential intracellular target points for (i) acute alcohol and (ii) chronic alcohol in a stylized cell.
  • Alcohol has been flying off the shelves as people try to combat boredom during lockdown, with some reports estimating that alcoholic beverage sales surged by 55 percent toward the end of March.
  • 3The HIV (or SIV) set point is the stable viral load that is established in an HIV-infected person after the initial phase of the infection, when the person’s immune systems tries to fight the virus.

Similarly, an increased percentage of CD8 T cells expressing HLA-DR and CD57 was reported in the group of male alcoholics with self reported average alcohol consumption of approximately 400g/day for approximately 26 years (Cook, Ballas et al. 1995). Mice that consumed 20% (w/v) ethanol in water for up to 6 months, also showed an increased percentage of activated T cells as measured by increased expression of CD43, Ly6C, rapid IFN-γ response, and increased sensitivity to low levels of TCR stimulation (Song, Coleman et al. 2002, Zhang and Meadows 2005). Taken together, these studies suggest that chronic alcohol-induced T cell lymphopenia increases T cell activation and homeostatic proliferation resulting in increased proportion of memory T cells relative to naïve T cells. In summary, several in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate that ethanol modulates the function of innate immune cells (monocytes and DCs) in a dose and time dependent manner (Figure 1). Acute high dose exposures inhibit whereas long-term treatments stimulate proinflammatory cytokine production. In addition, in vivo consumption of moderate amounts enhances phagocytosis and reduces inflammatory cytokine production whereas chronic consumption of large doses inhibits phagocytosis and production of growth factors.

alcohol lowers immune system

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However, its anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effects are contingent on the expression of other cytokines, and its inhibitory effect on IL-6 expression can delay liver regeneration and increase steatosis. IL-10 expression is moderately to highly increased in ALD and, along with that of IL-6 and IL-8, is also upregulated in alcoholic patients without signs of liver disease. IL-10 acts only on immune cells expressing its cognate receptors and facilitates sustained activation of the transcription factor STAT3 in Kupffer cells, thus inhibiting does alcohol weaken your immune system inflammation. Although the exact molecular mechanisms through which alcohol activates innate immune cells are not entirely understood, there is increasing evidence for the close relationship between the effects of alcohol on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and injury to the liver. Heavy alcohol consumption changes the composition of microbial communities in the GI system, tipping the balance toward more pathogenic species. Recent observations in animal models suggest that these changes are involved in promoting ALD (Yan and Schnabl 2012).

alcohol lowers immune system

  • The innate immune response to a pathogen is followed by an adaptive immune response that is activated only after the body is exposed to the pathogen for the first time and which is specific to that one pathogen.
  • Moreover, spontaneous IgA synthesis by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)— a mixed population of various white blood cells that also includes B cells—was higher in PBMCs isolated from alcoholic patients with liver disease compared with controls (Wands et al. 1981).
  • This defective neutrophil recruitment could be partially restored by localized chemokine administration (Quinton et al. 2005).
  • In an unstimulated milieu, the above mentioned p100 processing is inhibited by degradation of NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) [43].

Alcohol and the Adaptive Immune Response

alcohol lowers immune system